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Find out more about The Tadpoles

About Us

Find out more about joining swimming club

Our Objective

Learn about our aims and objectives

Our Committee

Meet our voluntary committee members

The Constitution

Read The Constitution as laid out by the Tadpoles

Club Rules

Read the rules of The Tadpoles Swimming Club 

Mission Statement

Learn about our Mission Statement

Safety Assessments

Read our most recent Risk assessment

About Us

The Tadpoles is an East Grinstead swimming and water therapy club founded by Syd Martin in 1982 to provide recreational swimming facilities, in a safe environment, for people of all ages with disabilities and diagnoses who could benefit from swimming and water therapy.


We meet at the Kings Centre every Thursday from 8pm to 9pm, where we have exclusive use of the pool, changing facilities, flat bed, hoist and warm air heaters.


As we have a purpose built hoist, those that require the use of a wheelchair or have walking difficulties can still join in the water activities.


For many of our Tadpoles this is the only real exercise and freedom of movement they enjoy each week.


Our membership is a mixed group of ladies and men with an age range of 12 years to over 80. The range of disabilities is varied and includes cerebral palsy, amputees, strokes, arthritis, autism, visually impaired and partially sighted.


Some of our members have been swimming with us for many years and others join for a short time while they recover from an injury or operation.


We have an excellent team of voluntary helpers, both in and out of the water, led by our Pool Organisers Jenny Leigh, Ros Disney and Andrew Morgan. All of our volunteers are DBS checked. Tadpoles can also be attended by their own primary care giver.


We are very conscious of the need for:

  • Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection

  • Anti Bullying

  • Equal Opportunities


Detailed Policies can be made available on request.


The annual cost for all members is £2.00 per annum plus £1 per Tadpole for each session attended.


We are affiliated to the National Association of Swimming Clubs for the Handicapped (NASCH) and run training programmes in association with them for our volunteer helpers. We also promote a positive understanding of disabilities through education and best practice. Our weekly sessions are run in accordance with NASCH guidelines.


We are always pleased to welcome new Tadpoles and helpers.


If you are interested in joining The Tadpoles please contact:  Jenny Leigh – 01342 321779, Ros Disney – 01342 823464, Andrew Morgan – 07712 657419 or email


Tadpoles is affiliated to the National Association of Swimming Clubs for the Handicapped (NASCH) Registered Charity No. 247772


You can donate using the PayPal button below or send a cheque to:

The Tadpoles
96, Holtye Road
East Grinstead
RH19 3EA

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Contact Us

07849 956925 or



Postal Address:
The Tadpoles
96 Holtye Road
East Grinstead
RH19 3EA

Email Us

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Copyright Tadpoles Swimming Club 2030

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