Our Funding
Although we receive a 50% discount, the pool hire charge we have to find for our weekly session is £59.50 and for this we rely on donations. Over many years we have also been fortunate to receive generous support from local businesses and organisations.
As a result of this generosity, Tadpoles only pay an annual membership fee of £2 and an additional £1 each time they swim.
Every one of our helpers is an unpaid volunteer and all the money we raise pays for running costs, the cost of pool hire, the purchase and maintenance of special equipment and the training of our helpers

Equipment is an essential aid to our Tadpoles and includes pool-side wheelchairs, our special custom-built hoist that gets our members in and out of the water safely, and specially designed electronic changing beds used by our members with severe disabilities.
All of this equipment has been funded by generous donations from our supporters and some community grants from Mid Sussex District and East Grinstead Town Councils.
All amounts you can contribute, whether large or small, will make a difference.
If you wish to make a donation, you can send a cheque to The Tadpoles 96, Holtye Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 3EA or use our donate button if you choose to pay by debit or credit card.